Art Contests

Are you an artist? Do you partake in art related contests? How do you view Art Contests? Let me know in the comments. I'm curious to know your thoughts and experiences on Art Contests.

Do Art contests make or break an artist? 

Does it cheapen the art? 

Are "Art Contests" more for hobbyists or professionals? 

Are Art contests just scams?

 Since getting back into making art full time I found myself being inspired by many things. Two things that seem to keep me moving forward creatively have been monthly art challenges and art contests. These things might seem like time wasters for someone in this field. They have been rather helpful for me on many levels. Everyone is different and everyone has their own way of staying motivated. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

 ART CONTESTS! Over the years I have overlooked such things. I never thought it would help me or that I was quite good enough of an artist to submit anything at that time
.  I was wrong on both accounts. Who doesn't like cash and prizes? How about being recognized for your work? I do like those things!

Somewhere in the back of my mind Art Contests also seemed like a scam for companies to get a lot of work from a lot of folks without having to pay anyone for it. Not all Art contests are a set up looking to steal your art or get something for nothing. Research the company holding the contest and make sure you retain the rights to your art even if you win. That is usually a good indicator of the company's intentions. There was also a thought floating about in my mind that contests were for hardcore professional artists. Eek. Who stands a chance, right? Wrong and wrong. There are companies out there that want to give back and help artists be seen. Chartpak is one of those companies.

 If you have been on the Chartpak (or grumbacher/ koh-i-noor/higgins/clearprint) website or facebook page you might have seen that they have been doing a lot of giveaways and contests for some of their sub companies. A lot of these have been win-it-before-you-can-buy-it contests. So I thought why the heck not. The theme was something that I have enjoyed creating pieces on [Origami] and it was a chance to try new supplies on the cheap [if I won].

 I entered my charcoal drawing of an origami elephant, "The Guard", into the Koh-I-Noor WIBYCBI contest and was one of 5 winners.

Want to see what I have been awarded? Watch the video below for a full breakdown of the prizes I received from Koh-i-noor.
